David Kieu

defining a brand

When I was hired at IGNITE, the organization underwent a re-branding from its former name, Humber Students' Federation. As students were often confused about how much control Humber College had over the organization, the goal of the rebrand was to make it clear that IGNITE is largely independent from Humber College, and focused on student services and engagement. As the first videographer to work under the new name and brand, I was given the freedom to help shape the voice of IGNITE by producing video content aimed at engaging with Humber students on a more personal level.

Aside from the Student Profile series, a large portion of my video work at IGNITE consisted of Event coverage and promotion. While these videos were perhaps a bit lighter on pre-production (as the event planning was organized by a different department), they presented their own challenges, such as learning to anticipate the biggest moments and making sure my camera was ready. Some moments only happen live, but if you're ready, you can capture lightning in a bottle.

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