David Kieu

closer than you think

As a Production Intern at Angle Media Group, I had the opportunity to work on a Social Media-targeted advertisting campaign designed to portray the venerable Woodbine Racetrack as premiere destination for all ages, and closer to the city than people realize. It follows the story of Grouch the Woodbine Racehorse and Allie the Jockey as they visit Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square and mingle with locals and tourists alike.

This project gave me a good opportunity to experience the multitude of roles that are involved in a larger scale production team. Woodbine Entertainment was a new client for our studio, so Client Relations played almost a bigger role than the production itself; I was able to see the almost poltical nature of how the messaging of the video was shaped to suit the client's needs, which manifested in almost all aspects of the production.


Ultimately, all the pre-production in the world couldn't prepare us for the sudden resurgence of winter on the day of the shoot. While the snowfall did lend our video a bit of Canadian spirit, it also meant that we had to rely on a lot of post-production techiniques such as colour correction to ensure the upbeat messaging came across; an example of this can be seen to the right.

Another aspect of the project which set it apart was the necessity for multiple final cuts with different messaging; a logistically complex project such as this one required a larger production budget, and so the client understandably wanted multiple end products which could be targeted toward different demographics. Below, you can see a few alternate versions of the main video: one for kids, one for families, and one for young professionals.

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